Posts with the tag “leon”

Leon in Lockdown – Part 2
August 5th, 2020
A couple of months ago, I told you about Leon’s extension. We can't wait to see the big reveal – whenever that may be, but in the meantime, here's a 90-second update on the upstairs....  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
Leon in Lockdown
July 7th, 2020
Back in April, I mentioned how Leon was circumnavigating kids, dogs, and a huge to-do list courtesy of his other half, to get cracking with his own home improvement plans....  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
Getting sh*t done around here
April 14th, 2020
Week three of being grounded, and I'm proud to say, I’m finally getting sh*t done around the house. I've actually spoken to my other half quite a lot over the last three weeks, and she seems nice. Li...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
We are here for you
March 30th, 2020
Like many of us, I’d been promising myself some downtime for a while now. But this wasn’t quite how I imagined it. It’s safe to say - It’s been a strange week for everyone. That’s why I think it’s m...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
It’s not all about Aaron!
December 9th, 2019
I’m Leon, the other half of The Pentland Kitchen Company, and it’s about time I introduced myself. When Aaron and I started The Pentland Kitchen Company, we made the decision to supply kitchens that...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
Exceeding expectations
November 22nd, 2019
I was talking shop with one of my fitter friends last week when he said something so simple it blew my mind. “I wish kitchen companies would just let me get on with fitting. That’s what I’m good at!”...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
Solid Storage Solutions
October 9th, 2019
Gone are the days when installing a kitchen just meant worktops and fitted cupboards, right? Clients all want the best of what’s available for their budget, and nowadays, that means built-in storage...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
The kitchen doesn’t fit
September 11th, 2019
I’ve just got off the phone with one of our partner Kitchen Fitters, Keith. He’d come from finishing a job for one of the ‘Big Guys’. “Nightmare”, apparently. ...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
More than just kitchens
July 4th, 2019
Beautiful cupboards shouldn’t be bound to the kitchen. The kitchen is arguably the most important room of the house, but the next big contender is the bedroom. I wanted to let you know that The Pent...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
The Handleless Kitchen
June 10th, 2019
Something I find we’re selling a lot of lately is handleless kitchens. They have been around for a while now, but it seems they are more popular than ever. There are so many positives to a kitchen wi...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
Sharing the load
May 15th, 2019
May already! I’ve been saying it a lot to the guys lately, but time really is flying. How is your year going? Got a lot on your plate? I know the feeling. But I might be able to give you a hand - and...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
Teamwork, Makes The Dream Work
May 1st, 2019
It’s been a great year so far for The Pentland Kitchen Company – business is booming. So much so that Leon and I decided it was time to take a leap of faith and expand our match made in heaven twosom...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
Cupboards aren’t everything
March 27th, 2019
Ever set foot in a kitchen that has all the ingredients to make Pinterest heaven, but something’s not quite perfect? Of course, you have. And it’s frustrating. Because when it comes to kitchens, it’...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
An interesting lesson learnt
March 7th, 2019
A friend of mine years ago had a new kitchen put in his home, and there was a whole lot of tension flying around the place. Some of it could be attributed to the natural angst a new homeowner feels w...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company
Snapped Worktop
February 20th, 2019
I had a phone call from one of our fitters a few weeks back and it wasn’t good news. He’d dropped the worktop we’d supplied him, and you can guess what happened next. Yep. Snap. And not the card g...  Read More
by The Pentland Kitchen Company